About My Dance Studio

This page will allow you to provide more information about yourself and/or your dance organisation.

You could provide an overview of your classes, together with any guest teachers you may invite. Or perhaps you would like to describe the regular events that you run, as well as any "special" events that you organise. More information about your venue(s) could also go here.

If you are a dance band, or sell products and services to the dance community, this page will allow you to elaborate on these details.

What people say about us

You could add a few quotes such as:

"I am really enjoying your classes. I was made to feel very welcome, and with your clear instructions I am thrilled with how quickly I am picking this up"

or about a dance band

"Fabulous dance band... simply awesome - I just had to keep dancing the whole evening"

We will provide full instructions for embedding a YouTube clip or other media  



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